Sunday, October 11, 2009

Top Heavy Administrations should be combined

I live in a city where there are many different city gov'ts and many different school districts, each with their own buildings, staffs, managements and rules.

Could we not combine at least the smallest of these to cut out all the administration costs of each different one? Surely a school district that only oversees 2800 students could combine with one close by that only oversees 7500 pupils, eliminating one entire administration.

Surely one library bouard could oversee all the libraries in all the cities instead of each city having its own board.

I know some jobs would be lost by combining, but if it results in lower taxes, would that not be better in the long rung? I know from experience that many administrations are top heavy with people whose only role in life is to convince someone who distributes money, that their existence is worth the money to support it.

Just as you cannot spend your way out of poverty, you cannot administrate your way out of the need for money necessary for the front line where the customers or pupils are. Remember, too many cooks spoil the broth.

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